

Screening study on the anti-angiogenic effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Part I: Heat-clearing and detoxicating TCM

Model Organisms:Zebrafish Product & Service:- Research field:Drug screening and drug mechanism

Comparative population genomics reveals genetic basis underlying body size of domestic chickens

Model Organisms:Zebrafish Product & Service:BMP10 Research field:Development

Mfsd2a+ hepatocytes repopulate the liver during injury and regeneration

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Mfsd2a-CreER Research field:Liver

Genome editing with CRISPR/Cas9 in postnatal mice corrects PRKAG2 cardiac syndrome

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:PRKAG2 H530R Research field:Heart

Identification of apoptosis and macrophage migration events in paraquat-induced oxidative stress using a zebrafish model

Model Organisms:Zebrafish Product & Service:- Research field:Drug toxicity

TMCO1 Is an ER Ca(2+) Load-Activated Ca(2+) Channel

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:TMCO1 Research field:Endoplasmic reticulum

Endocardium Minimally Contributes to Coronary Endothelium in the Embryonic Ventricular Free Walls

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Nfatc1-Cre、 Nfatc1-Dre、 Nfatc1-GFP、 Npr3-CreER和Npr3-GFP Research field:Heart

HIF-1alpha and HIF-2alpha induced angiogenesis in gastrointestinal vascular malformation and reversed by thalidomide

Model Organisms:Zebrafish Product & Service:HIF-2alpha Research field:Drug screening and drug mechanism

Genetic lineage tracing identifies endocardial origin of liver vasculature

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Nfatc1-dre, Nfatc1-GFP and Npr3-creER Research field:Liver

Positive selection rather than relaxation of functional constraint drives the evolution of vision during chicken domestication

Model Organisms:Zebrafish Product & Service:VIT Research field:Visual development
