

Ethanol-induced neurodegeneration in NRSF/REST neuronal conditional knockout mice

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:NRSF Research field:Nervous System

MUC1 induces metastasis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma by upregulating matrix metalloproteinase 13

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:N/A Research field:Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

The cytoplasmic domain of MUC1 induces hyperplasia in the mammary gland and correlates with nuclear accumulation of beta-catenin

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:MUC1-CD Research field:Breast cancer

RA-inducible gene-I induction augments STAT1 activation to inhibit leukemia cell proliferation

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Rig-I Stat1 Research field:Immune system

MUC1-C Oncoprotein Interacts Directly with ATM and Promotes the DNA Damage Response to Ionizing Radiation

Model Organisms:細胞 Product & Service:N/A Research field:Breast cancer
