

Perivenous stellate cells are the main source of myofibroblasts and cancer‐associated‐fibroblasts formed after chronic liver injuries

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Col1a1-e(Kozak-BFP-WPRE-pA) Research field:Liver tumor

Nuclear DEK preserves hematopoietic stem cells potential via NCoR1/HDAC3-Akt1/2-mTOR axis

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Pten-Flox Research field:hematopoietic stem cells homeostasis

Pre-existing beta cells but not progenitors contribute to new beta cells in the adult pancreas

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Ins2-(Kozak-Dre-WPRE-pA) Research field:Diabetes

MAP3K2-regulated intestinal stromal cells define a distinct stem cell niche

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Map3k2-CKO,Rspo1-tdTomato ,Col1a2-CreERT2 Research field:Intestinal

Single-nucleotide methylation specifically represses type I interferon in antiviral innate immunity

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Uhrf1-Flox Research field:viral infection

Proliferation tracing reveals regional hepatocyte generation in liver homeostasis and repair

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Mki67-(2A-CreXER2) Research field:lineage tracing

Abnormal Glucose Metabolism in Male Mice Offspring Conceived by in vitro Fertilization and Frozen-Thawed Embryo Transfer

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:/ Research field:In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET)

A Suite of New Dre-recombinase Drivers Markedly Expands the Ability to Perform Intersectional Genetic Targeting

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Sox9-IRES-DreERT2;Pdgfb-(DreERT2-IRES-eGFP-wpre-polyA) Research field:lineage tracing

ZFP91 is required for the maintenance of regulatory T cell homeostasis and function

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Zfp91;Becn1 Research field:T cell
