

Seamless Genetic Recording of Transiently Activated Mesenchymal Gene Expression in Endothelial Cells During Cardiac Fibrosis

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:αSMA-LSL-Dre, Zeb1-LSL-Dre, and R26-CreER Research field:Heart

Induction of Foxp3 and activation of Tregs by HSP gp96 for treatment of autoimmune diseases

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Tlr2-KO;Cd45.1;Rag2-KO Research field:autoimmune diseases

The oncolytic virus VT09X optimizes immune checkpoint therapy in low immunogenic melanoma

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:hPD-1 Research field:Immune checkpoint therapy

Cell proliferation fate mapping reveals regional cardiomyocyte cell-cycle activity in subendocardial muscle of left ventricle

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Rosa26-DreER ,Ki67-CrexER Research field:Cardiovascular Research

ZFP91 disturbs metabolic fitness and antitumor activity of tumor-infiltrating T cells

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Zfp91-floxed Research field:T cell

SNX10-mediated LPS sensing causes intestinal barrier dysfunction via a caspase-5-dependent signaling cascade

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Snx10-floxed Research field:IBD

Gut Microbial Metabolite Pravastatin Attenuates Intestinal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury Through Promoting IL-13 Release From Type II Innate Lymphoid Cells via IL-33/ST2 Signaling

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Rag1-KO;Il33-KO(2) Research field:Gut Microbial Metabolite Pravastatin

METTL14 aggravates podocyte injury and glomerulopathy progression through N6-methyladenosine-dependent downregulating of Sirt1

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Mettl14-Flox Research field:podocyte injury and glomerulopathy

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Rosa26-LSL-linc-AhRA Research field:autoimmune

RACK1 T50 Phosphorylation by AMPK Potentiates Its Binding with IRF3/7 and Inhibition of Type 1 IFN Production

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Rack1-Flox Research field:Inflammation
