

Genetic Proliferation Tracing Reveals a Rapid Cell Cycle Withdrawal in Preadolescent Cardiomyocytes

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Npr3-CreER Research field:Cardiovascular Research

Extension of Endocardium-Derived Vessels Generate Coronary Arteries in Neonates

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Apj-CreER,Cx40-LSL-GFP,CX40-GFP,Pdgfb-GFP Research field:Heart

Thrombin cleaves IL-33 and modulates IL-33-activated allergic lung inflammation

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Il33-KO Research field:Immunology

SARS-CoV-2 might transmit through the skin while the skin barrier function could be the mediator

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:CAG-hACE2-IRES-Luc-Tg Research field:SARS-CoV-2

Mitochondrial STAT3 exacerbates LPS-induced sepsis by driving CPT1a-mediated fatty acid oxidation

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Rosa26-LSL-MLS-STAT3 Research field:Septicemia

Genetic Proliferation Tracing Reveals a Rapid Cell Cycle Withdrawal in Preadolescent Cardiomyocytes

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Ki67-CrexER,Tnnt2-mTnG Research field:Cardiovascular

A two-adjuvant multiantigen candidate vaccine induces superior protective immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 challenge

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:CAG-hACE2-IRES-Luc-Tg Research field:SARS-CoV-2

Reproductive Deficits Induced by Prenatal Antimüllerian Hormone Exposure Require Androgen Receptor in Kisspeptin Cells

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Ar-Flox Research field:Polycystic ovary syndrome

LARP7 ameliorates cellular senescence and aging by allosterically enhancing SIRT1 deacetylase activity

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Apoe-KO(2) Research field:衰老

A novel role for interleukin 32 in cholestasis

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Abcb4-KO(FVB) Research field:Cholestasis and Gallbladder Disease
