

Development and characterization of a novel anti‑OX40 antibody for potent immune activation

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:OX40 Research field:immunotherapy

A genetic system for tissue-specific inhibition of cell proliferation

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Col1a2-CreER, R26-p21-GFP, R26-rox-p21-GFP Research field: cell lineages

Thalidomide targets EGFL6 to inhibit EGFL6/PAX6 axis-driven angiogenesis in small bowel vascular malformation

Model Organisms:Zebrafish Product & Service:EGFL6,pax6a Research field:Angiogenesis

Refined spatial temporal epigenomic profiling reveals intrinsic connection between PRDM9-mediated H3K4me3 and the fate of double-stranded breaks

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Lin28-YFP,Vasa-mCherry,Stra8-GFPCre,Prdm9-3*(HA-Flag) Research field:Meiotic recombination

CNTNAP4 deficiency in dopaminergic neurons initiates parkinsonian phenotypes

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Cntnap4 Research field:parkinson

Defciency of SCAMP5 leads to pediatric epilepsy and dysregulation of neurotransmitter release in the brain

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Scamp5 Research field:epilepsy

The E3 ubiquitin ligase Itch is required for B-cell development

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Itch Research field:Immune-related;B cell development
