

Adamts18 deficiency in zebrafish embryo causes defective trunk angiogenesis and caudal vein plexus formation

Model Organisms:Rat Product & Service:adamts18 Research field:Angiogenesis

Activated Drp1-mediated mitochondrial ROS influence the gut microbiome and intestinal barrier after hemorrhagic shock

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Drp1 Research field:Mitochondria

Generation of a self‐cleaved inducible Cre recombinase for efficient temporal genetic manipulation

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Npr3-sCreER, Npr3-CreER, Col1a2-sCreER, Col1a2-CreER, and R26-LZLT Research field:cell lineages

Pro-survival and anti-inflammatory roles of NF-κB c-Rel in the Parkinson's disease models.

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:c-Rel-luc Research field:parkinson

Bi-directional differentiation of single bronchioalveolar stem cells during lung repair

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:R26-Confetti2 Research field:lung

DP1 Activation Reverses Age-Related Hypertension via NEDD4L-Mediated T-bet Degradation in T Cells

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:DP1,NEDD4L Research field:Age-Related Hypertension

Arterial Sca1+ Vascular Stem Cells Generate De Novo Smooth Muscle for Artery Repair and Regeneration

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Sca1-CreER;PDGFRa-DreER;R26-RSR-LSL-tdTomato;Sca1-CreER;PDGFRb-LSL-Dre Research field:vascular stem cell

Liver Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Regulates Behavioral and Cellular Effects of Chronic Stress

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Alb-CreERT2 Research field:肝脏

Interleukin-17 Regulates Neuron-Glial Communications, Synaptic Transmission, and Neuropathic Pain after Chemotherapy

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Rag1-KO Research field:Chemotherapy pain
