

Single-Cell RNA-Seq of the Developing Cardiac Outflow Tract Reveals Convergent Development of the Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:H11-CAG-RSR-tdTomato Research field:Cardiac outflow tract

Single-Cell RNA-Seq of the Developing Cardiac Outflow Tract Reveals Convergent Development of the Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:H11-(CAG-RSR-tdTomato) Research field:Heart

ECM1 Prevents Activation of Transforming Growth Factor beta, Hepatic Stellate Cells, and Fibrogenesis in Mice

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Ecm1 Research field:Liver

Nuclear hnRNPA2B1 initiates and amplifies the innate immune response to DNA viruses

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Hnrnpa2b1 Research field:Immune system

NLRC3 expression in dendritic cells attenuates CD4+ T cell response and autoimmunity

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Nlrc3 Research field:Immune system

Reassessment of c-Kit+ Cells for Cardiomyocyte Contribution in Adult Heart

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Kit–2A–Cre;Kit–IRES–Cre;Tnnt2-DreER Research field:Genetic lineage tracing

A subunit of V-ATPases, ATP6V1B2, underlies the pathology of intellectual disability

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Atp6v1b2 Research field:Dominant deafness-onychodystrophy (DDOD) syndrome

A subunit of V-ATPases, ATP6V1B2, underlies the pathology of intellectual disability

Model Organisms:Zebrafish Product & Service:Atp6v1b2 Research field:Dominant deafness-onychodystrophy (DDOD) syndrome

Autophagy inhibition prevents glucocorticoid-increased adiposity via suppressing BAT whitening

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Fabp4 Research field:autophagy
