

Lineage Tracing Reveals the Bipotency of SOX9+ Hepatocytes during Liver Regeneration

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Hnf4a-DreERT2 Research field:Genetic lineage tracing

Acute pancreatic beta cell apoptosis by IL-1β is responsible for postburn hyperglycemia: Evidence from humans and mice

Model Organisms:マウス Product & Service:Il1b-Luc-2A-EGFP Research field:Acute hyperglycemia

Gain-of-Function Mutations of SLC16A11 Contribute to the Pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Slc16a11 Research field:Diabetes

Fever Promotes T Lymphocyte Trafficking via a Thermal Sensory Pathway Involving Heat Shock Protein 90 and a4 Integrins

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Itga4 Research field:Immune system

DHHC4 and DHHC5 Facilitate Fatty Acid Uptake by Palmitoylating and Targeting CD36 to the Plasma Membrane

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Dhhc4.Dhhc5 Research field:metabolism

Genetic lineage tracing of resident stem cells by DeaLT

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:- Research field:Genetic lineage tracing

Fate Mapping of Sca1+ Cardiac Progenitor Cells in the Adult Mouse Hearts

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:Sca1-2A-CreER Research field:Genetic lineage tracing

Rapamycin reduces mortality in acute-stage paraquat-induced toxicity in zebrafish

Model Organisms:Rat Product & Service:- Research field:Digestive system

Apj+ Vessels Drive Tumor Growth and Represent a Tractable Therapeutic Target

Model Organisms:Mouse Product & Service:APJ-CreER,Apj-DTRGFP-Luc Research field:Genetic lineage tracing
